Baltimore and DC
Baltimore game was early on Sunday afternoon. It was hot again but not as hot as it had been. Fortunately we had seats in the shade so it was a pleasant experience. The outside of the park atmosphere was really cool and we enjoyed watching two great teams play each other. Baltimore was playing the Yankees. The Yankees won again but it was a closer game. Many Yankee fans had driven down with us to watch the game. The Baltimore stadium was probably the nicest mix of old ballpark and new stadium we have seen thus far.
Baltimore is also the birthplace of Babe Ruth so there were quite a few baseball things around. No, we are not collecting any baseball paraphernalia on the trip. We decided pictures and our scorecard will be our momemto - we wouldn't likely use much else anyway.
We saw two fans gets kicked out, and are well on our way to setting a record for seeing the most Yankee fans get kicked out of a game. Two Yankee fans were kicked out at Baltimore and one at the Mets game.
From the game we went to Alexia's house and had a wonderful time catching up on life. Since the last time I had visited in October of 2005, she has had a baby boy, Gavin and he is supercute. It was a lot of fun to have our husbands finally meet as well.
Monday was spent exploring Baltimore and we went to the aquarium. It was very crowded mostly because it was indoors, but also a very neat place.
Tuesday was spent in DC touring all of the places that Tom has never seen of historical significance mostly around the Mall and White House. This is my fourth time in DC but the first time since they have finished the WWII memorial. It is between the Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument near the Reflecting Pool. I have neever seen so many Canadian geese in one place! Their poo was everywhere and the feathers and poo clouded up the reflecting pool. Tom and I think a few tax dollars could be spent cleaning out the area. After all of our looking around in DC, we were off to the game in DC.
The Nationals have a large stadium that is very awkward. Our seats were pretty good but stuck up in a corner under a rafter so didn't get much of the breeze. We had a lot of fun and Alexia joined us at the game while her husband watched the baby at home. It was fun to have a third party viewpoint. It was a fast game between the Nationals and Marlins.
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