I have only driven through Chicago before and Tom has never been. That experience of driving through at almost midnight on a Sunday total traffic jam on one of my family’s across the country drives back to Kentucky when we needed to just get home was not very endearing. We do have a friend in Scottsdale that Tom worked with who lived in Chicago and told us how nice it was. Tom’s favorite band, Wilco, is also from Chicago. We were looking forward to exploring this city.
We arrived at the White Sox game and had a lot of traffic getting into the game. Parking was pretty easy and we found our seats. Right away we were in trouble with the heat. The seats are a dark smurf blue and with the afternoon sun beating down on them, the 90 degree heat felt more like 110! We made it through a couple of innings and then had to seek out a reprieve on the concourse. The problem was, however, that you could only stand in a place where there was not a vendor (I am not sure why – just the rules) The vendors also told us it would be okay to stand in the aisle but just not behind them. Apparently, there are no fire codes in the state of Illinois.
We eventually went to guest relations and they put us in a “different place”. That ended up being in the handicap section so we felt REALLY BAD and only stayed a couple more innings. IT was hot and we were tired and already my patience was wearing thin from the St. Louis smoking room. We decided to go back to our hotel before the rush hour traffic started and get settled in and go for a nice cruise on the river and Lake Michigan.
Our hotel was a very lovely old building. In the late 1800’s it had burned down and been rebuilt but stood exactly where the first one was built. The original building had been used by Lincoln and Douglas to debate! Our room was small but smoke-free and adequate and it was overlooking a neat old church and the Hancock building which was less than a block away.
We looked through all of the free coupons we were given and found a cocktail cruise. It was a wonderful time looking at the many buildings of Chicago while sipping a glass of wine and hearing about the history of the city. They have really done a lot to clean up their river and make the city a vibrant and wonderful place to live. It is a big city but doesn’t feel as crowded, dirty or smelly as NYC. It also has much more open space and is more easily maneuvered. The original city planners wanted lots of parks – one for everyone in the city to have within walking distance. And the largest of those are right on Lake Michigan. The have a large amphitheater, huge fountain, museums, gardens, artwork, sculpture, gathering places, baseball parks, thousands of Canada geese, and walking paths, bike rentals and outdoor movie theater area. All of this is free even when there are big events as is keeping with the original plan of the parks to be free, open and clean! They were all of that!

We enjoyed the end of a jazz set after our dinner cruise. People had brought picnics and blankets and chairs and those who weren’t sitting close in the auditorium style seats would just sit and enjoy on the yard. It was like the Britt festival in Southern Oregon, only free. The night lights were beautiful and the sculptures were also impressive. Later that night we ate at Ditka’s which was right next door to our hotel and visited with my friend Jamila who graduated with me from residency and has been here in Chicago for about a month doing a fellowship in women’s health and OB. It was nice to see a friendly face and to hear about her experience in Chicago – a little different living here than visiting especially when you work many many hours a week.

The next AM we headed to Wrigley Field. This is one of those parks where sitting in the bleachers in the outfield is a truly baseball experience; unmatched and unrivaled except maybe at Fenway. We ate at a nice place across the street and then found our way to the general admission bleachers in outfield. We sat in right field and enjoyed the die hard fans – who got more loud and raucous as the innings and the beer drinking progressed. The Cubs being the Cubs lost and we left a little early to catch the “L” back into the city and relax for the evening – we were beat!

After relaxing for the night, we went got up early and went for a walk back to the park in the daytime. We got to walk down the Magnificent Mile – shopping strip on our way. The park was different in the daytime but very beautiful and we had a better view of the city, buildings, gardens, and museums in the day time. I could live in Chicago if it weren’t so far away from home. It was very foggy and I could imagine what the winters must be like, but after Arizona – bring it on!
Now to Milwaukee…..